Results for 'Inn Suk Park'

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  1.  14
    The meaning and role of ‘Empathy’ in Buddhism - Focusing on Compassion (慈悲) -.Park Inn-Suk - 2015 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 44:345-368.
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    The Study of Dalsa (達師) in Yugaron-gi (瑜伽論記).Inn Suk Park - 2019 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 94:49-77.
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    Korean Nursing Students' Ethical Problems and Ethical Decision Making.Hyeoun-Ae Park, Miriam E. Cameron, Sung-Suk Han, Sung-Hee Ahn, Hyo-Sook Oh & Kyeong-Uoon Kim - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (6):638-653.
    This Korean study replicated a previously published American study. The conceptual framework and method combined ethical enquiry and phenomenology. The research questions were: (1) What is nursing students’ experience of ethical problems involving nursing practice? and, (2) What is nursing students’ experience of using an ethical decision-making model? The participants were 97 senior baccalaureate nursing students, each of whom described one ethical problem and chose to use one of five ethical decision-making models. From 97 ethical problems, five content categories emerged, (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study on the Development of Moral Judgement in Korean Nursing Students.Yong-Soon Kim, Jee-Won Park, Youn-Jung Son & Sung-Suk Han - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (3):254-265.
    This longitudinal study examined the development of moral judgement in 37 nursing students attending a university in Suwon, Korea. The participants completed the Korean version of the Defining Issues Test to allow analysis of their level of moral judgement. The development of moral judgement was quantified using ‘the moral development score’ at each stage (i.e. the six stages detailed by Kohlberg) and the ‘P(%) score’ (a measure of the overall moral judgement level). The results were as follows: (1) the moral (...)
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    Sensitivity to Ethical Issues Confronted by Korean Hospital Staff Nurses.Yong-Soon Kim, Jee-Won Park, Mi-Ae You, Ye-Suk Seo & Sung-Suk Han - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (6):595-605.
    This descriptive study was undertaken to identify the degree of ethical sensitivity of staff nurses and to analyze the differences in ethical sensitivity in terms of both general and ethics-related characteristics. Participants were 236 staff nurses working in general hospitals in Korea. Ethical sensitivity was measured by means of an instrument developed by the researchers. The results showed that the mean score for the degree of ethical sensitivity was 0.71 out of a possible maximum score of 1 (range 0.30 to (...)
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    A Cross-National Investigation on How Ethical Consumers Build Loyalty Toward Fair Trade Brands.Gwang-Suk Kim, Grace Y. Lee & Kiwan Park - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):589 - 611.
    Although Fair Trade has recently experienced rapid growth around the world, there is lack of consumer research that investigates what determines consumers' loyalty toward Fair Trade brands. In this research, we investigate how ethical consumption values (ECV) and two mediating variables, Fair Trade product beliefs (FTPB) and Fair Trade corporate evaluation, (FTCE) determine Fair Trade brand loyalty (FTBL). On the basis of two empirical studies that use samples from the U.S. and Korea, we provide evidence demonstrating that the manner in (...)
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  7.  26
    Nationality of Food: Cultural Politics on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Food Museums.Eunju Hwang & Jin Suk Park - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (202):21-41.
    1. IntroductionIn 2020, when the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certified Chinese salted pickled vegetables from Sichuan called pao cai, hina’s media, including the state-run Global Times newspaper, reported the news as if China had won the international standard for kimchi making,1 although the ISO clearly stated in the certification document that the certification did not apply to kimchi.2 This reporting provoked Koreans, and it quickly became a cultural dispute between the two countries, at least in the media and social (...)
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    The Role of Personality Traits Toward Organizational Commitments and Service Quality Commitments.Seungsin Lee, Jungkun Park, Ki-Joon Back, Hyowon Hyun & Suk Hyung Lee - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Differences in Moral Judgment Between Nursing Students and Qualified Nurses.Yong-Soon Kim, Jin-Hee Park & Sung-Suk Han - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (3):309-319.
    This longitudinal study examined how nursing students' moral judgment changes after they become qualified nurses working in a hospital environment. The sample used was a group of 80 nursing students attending a university in Suwon, Korea, between 2001 and 2003. By using a Korean version of the Judgment About Nursing Decisions questionnaire, an instrument used in nursing care research, moral judgment scores based on Ketefian's six nursing dilemmas were determined. The results were as follows: (1) the qualified nurses had significantly (...)
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    Relationship of neurocognitive ability, perspective taking, and psychoticism with hostile attribution bias in non-clinical participants: Theory of mind as a mediator.Se Jun Koo, Ye Jin Kim, Eunchong Seo, Hye Yoon Park, Jee Eun Min, Minji Bang, Jin Young Park, Eun Lee & Suk Kyoon An - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesHostile attribution bias is reportedly common from non-clinical population to those with serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, and is known to be closely related to theory of mind. This study aimed to investigate whether ToM skills mediate the relationship among neurocognitive ability, personality traits, and attribution bias.MethodsA total of 198 non-clinical youths were recruited. To assess their neurocognitive ability and ToM skills, the participants were asked to complete Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and the Korean version of the Reading the (...)
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  11. Theravada Buddhism: The View of the Elders.Asanga Tilakaratne, James W. Heisig, Timothy W. Richardson, Mee-Jeong Park, Sang-Suk Oh, Joowon Suh, Mary Shin Kim, Young-Mee Cho, Hyo-Sang Lee & Carol Schulz - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Who Helps Who? The Role of Stigma Dimensions in Harassment Intervention.Sonia Ghumman, Ann Marie Ryan & Jin Suk Park - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (1):87-109.
    Observer intervention can be useful in preventing workplace harassment. This research extends the workplace harassment literature by using the Jones et al. ( 1984 ) stigma dimensions and related research (Summers et al., 2018 ; Weiner et al., 1988 ) to highlight differences and similarities between three forms of harassment (i.e., sexual, sexual orientation, religious) and their relations to observer intervention in workplace harassment incidents. Results from two studies reveal differences (controllability, stability, visibility) and similarities (disruptiveness, peril, bystander efficacy, position (...)
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  13. Making matters of fraud: Sociomaterial technology in the case of Hwang and Schatten.Buhm Soon Park - 2020 - History of Science 58 (4):393-416.
    This paper revisits the “Hwang case,” which shook Korean society and the world of stem cell research in 2005 with the fraudulent claim of creating patient-specific embryonic stem cells. My goal is to overcome a human-centered, Korea-oriented narrative, by illustrating how materials can have an integral role in the construction and judgment of fraud. To this end, I pay attention to Woo Suk Hwang’s lab at Seoul National University as a whole, including human and nonhuman agents, that functioned as what (...)
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    The Hwang Scandal and Korean News Coverage: Ethical Considerations.Robert A. Logan, Jaeyung Park & Hyoungjoon Jeon - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (3):171-191.
    This case study explores the ethical dimensions of the South Korean news media's coverage of the Dr. Woo Suk Hwang scandal and the extant journalism criticism. The study discusses the ethical issues associated with claims that Korean journalists acted too humanely, overemphasized scientific evidence, and were too culturally sensitive in their coverage of the Hwang scandal, and notes the broader implications for journalism ethical theory and criticism suggested by the study's findings. The case explores the differences in the ethical foundations (...)
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    «Å bli til i det å bli sett». Om sammenvevingen av det etiske og det estetiske i Trondheims minnepark for 22. juli-ofrene.Mattias Solli - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:77-90.
    Artikkelen er en fenomenologisk og hermeneutisk betraktning av Trondheims minnepark for 22. juli-ofrene. Bakgrunnen ligger i et etisk moment av hermeneutisk selvkritikk, som utspilte seg i storsamfunnets reaksjoner på terroren, og som parken må sees i lys av. Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i at flere av diktene som er slipt inn i minneparkens hvite betong, tematiserer behovet for mellommenneskelig anerkjennelse. Ved hjelp av kunstteoretikeren Bourriaud og filosofene Fichte og Hegel synliggjøres det hvordan dette temaet – mellommenneskelig anerkjennelse – kan sies å (...)
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  16. Rationing, Responsibility, and Vaccination during COVID-19: A Conceptual Map.Jin K. Park & Ben Davies - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):66-79.
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, shortages of scarce healthcare resources consistently presented significant moral and practical challenges. While the importance of vaccines as a key pharmaceutical intervention to stem pandemic scarcity was widely publicized, a sizable proportion of the population chose not to vaccinate. In response, some have defended the use of vaccination status as a criterion for the allocation of scarce medical resources. In this paper, we critically interpret this burgeoning literature, and describe a framework for thinking about vaccine-sensitive resource (...)
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  17.  39
    Memory systems do not divide on consciousness: Reinterpreting memory in terms of activation and binding.L. M. Reder, H. Park & P. D. Kieffaber - 2009 - Psychological Bulletin 135 (1).
    There is a popular hypothesis that performance on implicit and explicit memory tasks reflects 2 distinct memory systems. Explicit memory is said to store those experiences that can be consciously recollected, and implicit memory is said to store experiences and affect subsequent behavior but to be unavailable to conscious awareness. Although this division based on awareness is a useful taxonomy for memory tasks, the authors review the evidence that the unconscious character of implicit memory does not necessitate that it be (...)
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  18. On the Evolutionary Defense of Scientific Antirealism.Seungbae Park - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (2):263-273.
    Van Fraassen (1980) claims that successful theories exist today because successful theories survive and unsuccessful ones die. Wray (2007, 2010) appeals to Stanford’s new pessimistic induction (2006), arguing that van Fraassen’s selectionist explanation is better than the realist explanation that successful theories exist because they are approximately true. I argue that if the pessimistic induction is correct, then the evolutionary explanation is neither true nor empirically adequate, and that realism is better than selectionism because realism explains more phenomena in science (...)
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  19.  42
    Mobility, portability, and placelessness.Joseph Kupfer - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (1):38-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mobility, Portability, and PlacelessnessJoseph Kupfer (bio)Introduction: A Danger of Electronically Mediated ExperienceA few months ago I was sitting in a Chicago airport, waiting to make my connecting flight. Everywhere I looked, people were talking on cell phones, but the man across from me had gone one better. He had a cell phone and a laptop computer. He was talking on a conference call with two people who were at (...)
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  20. In Defense of the Epistemic Imperative.Seungbae Park - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (4):435-446.
    Sample (2015) argues that scientists ought not to believe that their theories are true because they cannot fulfill the epistemic obligation to take the diachronic perspective on their theories. I reply that Sample’s argument imposes an inordinately heavy epistemic obligation on scientists, and that it spells doom not only for scientific theories but also for observational beliefs and philosophical ideas that Samples endorses. I also delineate what I take to be a reasonable epistemic obligation for scientists. In sum, philosophers ought (...)
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  21. Optimistic Realism over Selectivism.Seungbae Park - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):89-106.
    Selectivism holds that some theoretical contents of most present theories will be preserved in future theories. By contrast, optimistic realism holds that most theoretical contents of most present theories will be preserved in future theories. I construct a pessimistic induction over selectivists to undermine selectivism, and an optimistic induction over optimistic realists to support optimistic realism. The former holds that since the selectivists of the early twentieth century were overly cautious about their present theories, those of the early twenty-first century (...)
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  22. The Uniformity Principle vs. the Disuniformity Principle.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (2):213-222.
    The pessimistic induction is built upon the uniformity principle that the future resembles the past. In daily scientific activities, however, scientists sometimes rely on what I call the disuniformity principle that the future differs from the past. They do not give up their research projects despite the repeated failures. They believe that they will succeed although they failed repeatedly, and as a result they achieve what they intended to achieve. Given that the disuniformity principle is useful in certain cases in (...)
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  23. A Pessimistic Induction against Scientific Antirealism.Seungbae Park - 2014 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 21 (1):3-21.
    There are nine antirealist explanations of the success of science in the literature. I raise difficulties against all of them except the latest one, and then construct a pessimistic induction that the latest one will turn out to be problematic because its eight forerunners turned out to be problematic. This pessimistic induction is on a par with the traditional pessimistic induction that successful present scientific theories will be revealed to be false because successful past scientific theories were revealed to be (...)
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  24. Extensional Scientific Realism vs. Intensional Scientific Realism.Seungbae Park - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 59:46-52.
    Extensional scientific realism is the view that each believable scientific theory is supported by the unique first-order evidence for it and that if we want to believe that it is true, we should rely on its unique first-order evidence. In contrast, intensional scientific realism is the view that all believable scientific theories have a common feature and that we should rely on it to determine whether a theory is believable or not. Fitzpatrick argues that extensional realism is immune, while intensional (...)
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  25. Refutations of the Two Pessimistic Inductions.Seungbae Park - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (3):835-844.
    Both the pessimistic inductions over scientific theories and over scientists are built upon what I call proportional pessimism: as theories are discarded, the inductive rationale for concluding that the next theories will be discarded grows stronger. I argue that proportional pessimism clashes with the fact that present theories are more successful than past theories, and with the implications of the assumptions that there are finitely and infinitely many unconceived alternatives. Therefore, the two pessimistic inductions collapse along with proportional pessimism.
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    Improving arithmetic performance with number sense training: An investigation of underlying mechanism.Joonkoo Park & Elizabeth M. Brannon - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):188-200.
  27. Scientific Antirealists Have Set Fire to Their Own Houses.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Prolegomena 16 (1):23-37.
    Scientific antirealists run the argument from underconsideration against scientific realism. I argue that the argument from underconsideration backfires on antirealists’ positive philosophical theories, such as the contextual theory of explanation (van Fraassen, 1980), the English model of rationality (van Fraassen, 1989), the evolutionary explanation of the success of science (Wray, 2008; 2012), and explanatory idealism (Khalifa, 2013). Antirealists strengthen the argument from underconsideration with the pessimistic induction against current scientific theories. In response, I construct a pessimistic induction against antirealists that (...)
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    Attention-Based Constraint to MNC Coevolution in China's Changing Stakeholder Environment.Meng Zhao, Xufei Ma, Seung Ho Park & Lingli Luo - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):797-814.
    The coevolution process enables organizations to adapt to and influence their external environment. Multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in dynamic foreign markets use this capability to achieve operational sustainability. MNCs in China operate in a changing stakeholder environment that features rising consumer activism and local stakeholders' persistent ethical problems and encounter recurrent consumer crises. Coevolving with this environment requires MNCs to react to consumer challenges and actively influence the environment by improving stakeholders’ ethical behavior. Based on the attention-based view and bounded (...)
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  29. Understanding without Justification and Belief?Seungbae Park - 2017 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 21 (3):379–389.
    Dellsén (2016a) argues that understanding requires neither justification nor belief. I object that ridding understanding of justification and belief comes with the following costs. (i) No claim about the world can be inferred from what we understand. (ii) We run into either Moore’s paradox or certain disconcerting questions. (iii) Understanding does not represent the world. (iv) Understanding cannot take the central place in epistemology. (v) Understanding cannot be invoked to give an account of scientific progress. (vi) It is not clear (...)
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    (1 other version)On classifying abduction.Woosuk Park - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (3):215-238.
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  31. Research Note and Review of the Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Literature: Boundary Conditions and Extensions.Nitish Singh, Yung-Hwal Park & Kevin Lehnert - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1):195-219.
    In business ethics, there is a large body of literature focusing on the conditions, factors, and influences in the ethical decision-making processes. This work builds upon the past critical reviews by updating and extending the literature review found in Craft’s :221–259, 2013) study, extending her literature review to include a total of 141 articles. Since past reviews have focused on categorizing results based upon various independent variables, we instead synthesize and look at the trends of these based upon the four (...)
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    The Impossible Science: An Institutional Analysis of American Sociology.Stephen Park Turner & Jonathan H. Turner - 1990 - Sage Publications.
    Tracing the history of American sociology since the Civil War, the authors of this important volume explain the field′s diversity, its lack of unifying paradigms, its broad, eclectic research agenda and its general weakness as an institutional force in either academia or the policy arena. They highlight the equivocal and often contradictory missions that sociologists prescribe for themselves and the variable nature of human, financial and intellectual resources available to the profession.
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  33. Against Mathematical Convenientism.Seungbae Park - 2016 - Axiomathes 26 (2):115-122.
    Indispensablists argue that when our belief system conflicts with our experiences, we can negate a mathematical belief but we do not because if we do, we would have to make an excessive revision of our belief system. Thus, we retain a mathematical belief not because we have good evidence for it but because it is convenient to do so. I call this view ‘ mathematical convenientism.’ I argue that mathematical convenientism commits the consequential fallacy and that it demolishes the Quine-Putnam (...)
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    Moral distress: A concept clarification.Sadie Deschenes, Michelle Gagnon, Tanya Park & Diane Kunyk - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1127-1146.
    Background Over the past few decades, moral distress has been examined in the nursing literature. It is thought to occur when an individual has made a moral decision but is unable to act on it, often attributable to constraints, internal or external. Varying definitions can be found throughout the healthcare literature. This lack of cohesion has led to complications for study of the phenomenon, along with its effects to nursing practice, education and targeted policy development. Objectives The aim of this (...)
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    Failure to replicate the benefit of approximate arithmetic training for symbolic arithmetic fluency in adults.Emily Szkudlarek, Joonkoo Park & Elizabeth M. Brannon - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104521.
    Previous research reported that college students' symbolic addition and subtraction fluency improved after training with non-symbolic, approximate addition and subtraction. These findings were widely interpreted as strong support for the hypothesis that the Approximate Number System (ANS) plays a causal role in symbolic mathematics, and that this relation holds into adulthood. Here we report four experiments that fail to find evidence for this causal relation. Experiment 1 examined whether the approximate arithmetic training effect exists within a shorter training period than (...)
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  36. To Be Scientific Is To Be Interactive.Seungbae Park - 2016 - European Journal of Science and Theology 12 (1):77-86.
    Hempel, Popper, and Kuhn argue that to be scientific is to be testable, to be falsifiable, and most nearly to do normal science, respectively. I argue that to be scientific is largely to be interactive, offering some examples from science to show that the ideas from different fields of science interact with one another. The results of the interactions are that hypotheses become more plausible, new phenomena are explained and predicted, we understand phenomena from a new perspective, and our worldview (...)
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    Incomplete utterances as critical assessments.Jacob Kline & Innhwa Park - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (4):441-459.
    Using video recordings of draft meetings conducted as part of an intramural basketball program as data, this conversation analytic study examines the use of an incomplete utterance in a joint evaluative activity. In particular, we focus on how the participants, volunteer coaches, who meet to draft players for their respective teams, produce a syntactically incomplete utterance as a means to critically assess a player, a non-present third party to the interaction. Analysis reveals that the participants use an incomplete utterance as (...)
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  38. The concept of psychology.Katherine Park & Eckhard Kessler - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.), The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 455--63.
  39. Applications of Intelligent Systems-Intelligent Signal Processing, Control and Robotics-Designing a Self-adaptive Union-Based Rule-Antecedent Fuzzy Controller Based on Two Step Optimization.Chang-Wook Han & Jung-Il Park - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4251--850.
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    Toward a Transcultural Ethics in a Multicultural World.In-Suk Cha - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (3):3-11.
    This paper presents its author's famous distinction between globalization, as the process or vehicle by which ideas, habits and worldviews travel from one culture to another and are transformed in the process, and mundialization, as the taking in of the outside world into our own lifeworlds, a process by which the ideas and customs of other cultures are transported into our homeworlds. In this process, what was once strange and unfamiliar is transformed into something comfortable and familiar. This is the (...)
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    The Mundialization of Home: Towards an Ethics of the Great Society.In-Suk Cha - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (1):24-30.
    Like any construction of the human mind, ideologies and utopias are products of reason and social imagination. The human interactions they feed off are nowadays being intensified by processes of globalization. Utopian projects, which are by nature ambitious, consist of dreams of freedom and equality but the voluntarist character of their implementation very often takes them far from their declared objectives. Thus utopia frequently tips over into ideology. In order to survive, utopia has to go through a process of ‘universalization’ (...)
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    Observer-based dissipative control for networked control systems: A switched system approach.Kalidass Mathiyalagan, Ju H. Park & Rathinasamy Sakthivel - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):297-308.
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  43. Corporate Social Responsibility as an Organizational Attractiveness for Prospective Public Relations Practitioners.Soo-Yeon Kim & Hyojung Park - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (4):639-653.
    This study viewed students majoring in public relations as prospective public relations practitioners and explored their perceptions about corporate social responsibility (CSR) as their job attraction condition. The results showed that the students perceived CSR to be an important ethical fit condition of a company. One of the significant findings is that CSR can be an effective reputation management strategy for prospective employees, particularly when a company’s business is suffering. In examining the effect of CSR efforts on attitudinal and behavioral (...)
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  44. Risk and Resilience Among Mothers and Fathers of Primary School Age Children With ASD in Malaysia: A Qualitative Constructive Grounded Theory Approach.Kartini Ilias, Kim Cornish, Miriam Sang-Ah Park, Hasnah Toran & Karen Jennifer Golden - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Perception of Deceptive Information Can Be Enhanced by Training That Removes Superficial Visual Information.Donghyun Ryu, Bruce Abernethy, So Hyun Park & David L. Mann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Nurses’ perception of ethical climate, medical error experience and intent-to-leave.Jee-In Hwang & Hyeoun-Ae Park - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (1):28-42.
    We examined nurses’ perceptions of the ethical climate of their workplace and the relationships among the perceptions, medical error experience and intent to leave through a cross-sectional survey of 1826 nurses in 33 Korean public hospitals. Ethical climate was measured using the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey. Although the sampled nurses perceived their workplace ethical climate positively, 19% reported making at least one medical error during the previous year, and 25% intended to leave their jobs in the near future. Controlling for (...)
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    A comparison of ethical issues in nursing practice across nursing units.Mihyun Park, Sang Hee Jeon, Hyun-Ja Hong & Sung-Hyun Cho - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (5):594-607.
    Background: The complexity and variety of ethical issues in nursing is always increasing, and those issues lead to special concerns for nurses because they have critical impacts on nursing practice. Research objectives: The purpose of this study was to gather comprehensive information about ethical issues in nursing practice, comparing the issues in different types of nursing units including general units, oncology units, intensive care units, operating rooms, and outpatient departments. Research design: The study used a descriptive research design. Ethics/human rights (...)
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    Robust ℋ∞tracking control for uncertain Markovian jumping systems with interval time-varying delay.Jianwei Xia, Ju H. Park, Baoyong Zhang & Hao Shen - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):355-366.
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    (1 other version)On the use of continuous flash suppression for the study of visual processing outside of awareness.Eunice Yang, Jan Brascamp, Min-Suk Kang & Randolph Blake - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:91286.
    The interocular suppression technique termed continuous flash suppression (CFS) has become an immensely popular tool for investigating visual processing outside of awareness. The emerging picture from studies using CFS is that extensive processing of a visual stimulus, including its semantic and affective content, occurs despite suppression from awareness of that stimulus by CFS. However, the current implementation of CFS in many studies examining processing outside of awareness has several drawbacks that may be improved upon for future studies using CFS. In (...)
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    Mediating process for human agency in science education: For man’s new relation to nature in Latour’s ontology of politics.Duck-Joo Kwak & Eun Ju Park - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4):407-418.
    The human relation to things in the world is at stake in the so-called post-humanist era where the distinction between human and non-human is blurred, as indicated in a term like ‘the nano-self’. How should we understand the nature of our relation to things in this era? Or how can we describe an educationally meaningful relation we as human agents can make in relation to things, artificial and natural, in the face of this technologically hybrid and ever-dehumanizing tendency of society? (...)
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